KENNETH OSORIO, MD: A successful vein specialist leads missions of mercy to Caraz, Peru


By John A. Chuback, MD,



Kenneth Osorio, MD, is a successful phlebologist and the medical director of Advanced Vein Center, a very active clinical practice in Mesa, Arizona. Despite his many professional accomplishments, he has not forgotten his roots; nor has Dr. Osorio forgotten what he loves most about being a physician – taking care of those in need.

That explains why he is also deeply committed to philanthropic work. He is making a big difference in the lives of people living in an underserved community in the mountains of Peru. Dr. Osorio runs The Osorio Foundation, named after his father Raul Osorio, MD.



The senior Dr. Osorio is a native of Caraz, Peru. Caraz is a small mountain town, far from any major city or medical center offering specialized care. The mission of the Osorio Foundation, which was started in 1983 by Raul, is “to provide the best possible medical assistance and care to the very needy residence of the Peruvian Andes.”

Raul Osorio created these “missions of mercy” many years ago when he began recruiting just a handful of eager and caring volunteers. Now, this marvelous endeavor has grown to include more than 60 individuals who journey every one to two years to provide healthcare to the residents of this remote community. At every level of involvement, the participants in this mission find the experience wonderfully rewarding and meaningful.



Dr. Ken Osorio now leads these essential medical journeys to Peru. His brother Fredrick, also a physician, helps to keep their father’s legacy alive as well. It’s an inspiring and admirable family tradition in giving back to the people and the town where Raul was born and raised.

This extraordinary charitable Foundation is changing and saving lives. Each mission trip is approximately 10 days in duration and includes the contributions of doctors, nurses and support staff volunteers.



It is remarkable to note that in a visit that lasts less than two weeks, this hard-working group of highly motivated individuals musters up the energy to provide care to more than 1,500 very appreciative patients, some of whom walk many miles to receive modern medical care each time the mission comes to their region of the mountains.

Each physician may perform as many as 20 operations per day. Approximately 250 surgeries will be performed in the course of a single trip. What this means to the people in this remote community, especially those who have been suffering for long periods of time, is literally indescribable.

The medical services being bestowed upon the people of this outlying village include the contemporary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, but also include the treatment of numerous other disease states. Children afflicted with cleft lip and palette deformities undergo surgical repair so that they can breast feed properly and receive the nutrition they require for normal growth and maturation. Club feet are straightened and mothers in need of emergency Caesarian section are attended to. Much more is done for those in need of all kinds of urgent and chronic problems including cholecystectomy for cholecystitis, for example.



Beyond medical care, The Osorio Foundation has expanded over the years to include other philanthropic services such as agricultural training and education, the empowerment of women, and childhood education.

The Foundation also supports special events such as the Chocolatada Festival each December. This tradition is a Peruvian Christmas celebration where gifts of hot chocolate beverages, regional and festive paneton bread, presents and clothing are shared amongst the celebrants of the holiday season. The Osorio family has had a profound impact on making this joyous event even more magical, especially for the children of Caraz.



The Osorio Foundation exemplifies the best attributes of human nature manifest as kindness, compassion and generosity. If you are interested in being a part of this important organization you certainly can be. The Foundation graciously welcomes contributions of money,medical supplies and equipment.


People-power is also needed as the mission expands its scope of services. I can say personally, as a surgeon, vein specialist and owner of a nutraceutical company, I was honored to send hundreds of bottles of Vein Formula (micronized purified diosmin flavonoid) to Caraz this past summer on the most recent mission. My partners and I will continue to supply future mission trips of The Osorio Foundation with dietary supplementation for those suffering from chronic venous disease and venous ulceration.

If you are in a position to do something for the people of Caraz, please do so. There is no feeling more heartwarming than helping sick patients in need of quality healthcare. This Foundation is a wonderful vehicle whereby we can touch the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Financial gifts, equipment and supplies will be used to assist The Osorio Foundation in “saving lives, improving healthcare and improving medical training to local residents in Caraz, Peru,” Ken says.



If you are interested in learning more about this fabulous organization, you can reach out to them through their website at and follow them on FaceBook. The Foundation is always eager to have newcomers contribute to what has become a multigenerational family passion.

In the end, it is the residents of Caraz who will be the most appreciative of any charitable donations you may pledge. VTN



            If you or someone you know is involved in philanthropic work related to the treatment of venous or lymphatic disease, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Chuback at so we can help raise awareness through articles in Vein Therapy News.



John Chuback, MD, FACS, chief medical officer at Chuback Medical Group in Paramus, N.J., is involved in teaching, entrepreneurship, writing and philanthropy. He is also co-founder of BiosupportMD and Chuback Education. Dr. Chuback is an author of numerous articles and books and is a lecturer throughout the United States. He practiced cardiac surgery for the first six years of his professional career and then launched a successful private practice focused on venous disease and cosmetic procedures.

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